For my portfolio, like a few others have mentioned, I wasn’t really sure how related any of my projects were to be able to tie them together into a portfolio. After giving it a little thought, I think two thing that would definitely be able to work well together are my digital remix and the…
13: e-Portfolio

Like Taj, I find myself a little concerned about my e-portfolio because I didn’t think much about how my projects in class complimented each other and I think I may find it hard to link them together. Those are the two pieces I am most proud of from this class, and the two I’m sure…
13. e-Portfolio

Pulling right up from last week’s posts on hypertext, we can easily transition into discussing our e-portfolios, because, as Kathleen Yancey says in her essay “Portfolio, Electronic, and the Link Between”, ““the portfolio is itself a hypertext: a collection open to multiple, cross-generic exhibits, a collection that can be read/written according to the reader’s intent”…
13: E-Portfolios

Our final project is an e-portfolio, and I have to say that I like this idea. To me, an e-portfolio sounds a lot easier than a strictly print portfolio because all my work will be in one place. Now I know that’s not all an e-portfolio is, especially after reading Portfolio, Electronic, and the Links…
13: Electronic Portfolios
I’m used to putting together portfolios in the context of creative writing classes, so I’ve found it interesting to think about how the process of compiling an electronic portfolio of work from this class might be similar to or different from what I’m used to. In thinking about how to put together a digital portfolio…
13) My Portfolio!

Throughout this semester we have done a lot of work in what both seems like a short amount of time, and a long time. I would definitely want to include my Remix project in my portfolio as it is the work I am most proud of for this class. Depending on how my Transmedia package…
13: My Portfolio

As part of Kathleen Blake Yancey’s definition of a portfolio in “Portfolio, Electronic, and the Links Between,” she states that a portfolio should showcase a “collection of work” (130). My portfolio would collect the three major projects that I have completed for this class, the reflections for each, and some of the blog posts that…
11: Stewardship and Organization: Hypertext as a Viably Flawed System

I’m intrigued by the idea of hypertext as an especially interactive and sometimes collaborative medium. I still find it puzzling though. I understand the premise and purpose, even though I don’t fully understand the concept and all of its intricacies. I’ve also done some reading on this topic for Dr. Robertson’s History of the Book…
12: Hypertext

Inreading and thinking about hypertext, I also found myself interested in the point the Cara’s blog post raised, that through hypertext digital publishing allows texts to be “woven together.” When learning about hypertext in previous publishing courses, we’ve discussed the ways in which texts are already linked to each other, particularly academic articles that cite…
12. Hypertext
Like many others have mentioned, I often associate hypertexts with Wikipedia. One of my favorite ways to waste time is getting into Wikiholes, starting with one innocent article and then it’s suddenly been three hours following different links. I’ve ended up on the Titanic passenger list too many times to count. I think that hypertexts…