Hello! I side with the belief that hypertext is an incredibly useful digital text-making tool. As Vandendorpe put it, because it can “link seamlessly billions of pages as if they were a single entity, a constantly evolving book“. This is the beauty of a digital text that does not transfer back to its ancestor, the…
12. Hypertext

One of the greatest strengths of digital publishing is the way that text can be shared an woven together. Collaboration is much more common in digital publishing than in traditional publishing, but it works in different ways, too. For example, hypertext, which, according to Belinda Barnet and Darren Tofts’s essay “Too Dimensional: Literary and Technical Images…
12. Hypertext

Unlike my classmates I did not think of Wikipedia when I thought about hypertext I was at a loss. When I read my classmates post I could only think of YouTube’s recommended videos on the side so it gives the watcher more options on what to what. Which is how I end up on “the…
12: Hypertext

Though I have briefly studied hypertext in other classes, I still mostly experience it in the context of things like Wikipedia or wikis for TV shows or movies that I want to learn more about. From my experience, I think hypertext is most useful when you are doing the kind of reading that Christian Vandendorpe…
12: Hypertext
Hypertext is, to the general public, a feature of digital texts. However, there has been attempts to incorporate Hypertext into non-digital forms of media. For example, Michael Gordon presented ‘James Joyce’s Ulysses in Hypermedia’. “Utilizing the rich potential of multimedia, Groden’s idea was to incorporate maps, exegeses, episode summaries, and annotations, as well as critical…
12: Understand the Hype(rtext)

I think most of us would agree that hypertext definitely changes the way that a text is read. A digital text is very different from a physical text, and I’ve found in my experience that I tend more toward “browsing” or “hunting” rather than grazing when it comes to a digital text (Vandendorpe 205). I…

Hypertext originated in print (with Vannevar Bush’s Memex), even though it is usually associated with online media. This method of “linking” sources is certainly much faster in application on the internet. Authors can provide resources for their audience to seek additional information (from recommended media) without having to explicitly explain the context of every outside…
12: Hypertext

Like both Hannah Feustle and Taj Wilson mention, the first place I’ve heard of hypertext in context was when it was associated with Wikipedia. With that being said, however, I didn’t quite understand what exactly hypertext was (and I’m still a little rocky on what exactly it is). These articles, however, have done a pretty…
12: Hypertext: A Clickable World

Several people are talking about Wikipedia, including Taj and Hannah, and so I would like to take this time to talk about the Wikipedia game. This game is, of course, based on the wonder that is hypertext. This game is played best with friends, especially when each friend has a different computer or mobile device. First, a player…
12: Hypertext

When I think of hypertext, one of the first websites I think about is Wikipedia. Every time I visit the site, I find myself following an endless stream of hypertext links. When you look at almost any Wikipedia page, you’ll see numerous segments of text highlighted in blue, leading you to another wiki with information…