To begin compiling my e-portfolio, I will combine all of my texts onto one website to create a single hub it can be accessed from. This will allow for consistency of style, theme, and color, giving these diverse texts the feel of a collection. Specifically, I plan to include my three projects from this class…
Hello! I side with the belief that hypertext is an incredibly useful digital text-making tool. As Vandendorpe put it, because it can “link seamlessly billions of pages as if they were a single entity, a constantly evolving book“. This is the beauty of a digital text that does not transfer back to its ancestor, the…
12: Hypertext
I never used to think much about hypertext. But then I started to produce digital media, causing me to realize the importance of hypertext. Hypertext has the “ability to link seamlessly billions of pages as if they were a single entity, a constantly evolving book.” It changes the way someone reads, enhancing the whole experience….
9: My Remix Project
Here is the link to my remix: My remix is a choose-your-own adventure version of “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Andersen. The final result ended up somewhere between a typical choose-your-own adventure book and a rudimentary visual novel (due to my lack of skill), and includes a variety of different story routes that…
7: Remix Project Ideas
Here are the three ideas I came up with for my remix project–the first one is my favorite, but I guess that the other two are slightly workable. I’m really not very good at brainstorming. A video about snowflakes Choose Your Own Adventure Shakespeare Web-text of love poetry/toasts to women 1: A video about snowflakes…
Do It Yourself!
While I have not had extensive time to work on my Digital Genre Wiki, I am trying my very best! That said, my genre is the DIY in all its glory. Whether its bath bombs or home improvement, the DIY has taken the internet by storm and needs to be treated as a genre same as…
4: Point and Click Horror Games
For this assignment, I’m investigating point and click games, specifically horror ones. These games vary in their ambition and quality, since most these days are indie games available in places like Steam. They’re also heavily exploration-based—after all, the only thing players can really do is “point” and “click” on their computer screen—though there are plenty…
4. Comedic Podcasts
I started listening to podcasts during my first internship, which was a full-time desk job in editing for marketing. Sitting at a desk from 9-5 every day for three months was something I hadn’t been prepared for, and I had never even had a part-time job before then. It was too quiet, and I would…
1: Video Games are the new norm of storytelling?
Video Games are inherently more interactive than other forms of media, such as e-books or other forms of digital publications. Geoffrey Rockwell speaks to video games as a media, stating they are some of the most effective “uses of images, animations, and environmental sound to create a fictional world characterized by navigation”. If this isn’t…