My remix project can be viewed at For this project, I chose to remix several of my own poems into an annotated hypertext format that would allow readers to view the media that had influenced me while writing each poem along with notes on my writing process. It was aimed at a hypothetical audience…
9: My remix!
Annabel Lee Remix For this remix project, I remixed “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allen Poe. I initially made an erasure poem all about love, then made a video representation of the erasure poem, then added music and a voice over of the original poem to the video. I originally chose this text because I had…
The Circulation, Delivery and Spreadability of Spoken Word

Poetry is a form of written/literary work. It is constantly evolving and adapting in the modern world. Spoken word is a form of performance poetry. I have been interested in spoken word since I first found out what it was in high school. I sat in my Creative Writing II class and my teacher introduced…
7: Geographical Poetry Turned to Song
Back when I wrote poetry and took an Advanced Poetry class, I wrote a collection of fifty poems, each based in a state in the US. My number one idea for the project is to select multiple poems from this and turn them into songs. Play guitar, give the words melody, and record and mix…
7: Remix/Recirculate Idea…
Hello! My idea for this second project is to make a complicated video/gif project. I want to take a poem, make an erasure poem from that, make video representations of the original and the erasure poem, and take those videos and make gifs from them. The video representations will hopefully be different enough that…
6: Creative Commons and Remix
I wasn’t sure what I would uncover when I typed used Creative Commons to search for results related to “poetry,” especially on platforms like feature primarily images or videos rather than written texts, and I was intrigued and in some cases surprised by the results. The first place I looked was Flickr, where I found the expected…
1: Multimodality and Poetry
Growing up, I would write stories. To go along with these stories, I’d draw pictures that I thought captured the image that I had in mind. Little did I know at that age that if I put the two different interpretations of these narratives together, I would have a multimodal project. In Kristin Arola’s Writer/Designer:…