Hello! I side with the belief that hypertext is an incredibly useful digital text-making tool. As Vandendorpe put it, because it can “link seamlessly billions of pages as if they were a single entity, a constantly evolving book“. This is the beauty of a digital text that does not transfer back to its ancestor, the…
Hypertext – Wikipedia and More

I first heard of hypertext in the context of Wikipedia as a hypertext—it took me a while to understand the web itself as hypertext, which is maybe where I remain most confused—not all pages are interconnected, but I suppose they don’t have to be). But it makes sense to me in the context of Wikipedia—I’ve…
12. Hypertext

The hypertext in itself has components to it that are very different from the traditional format we have with print publishing. As Jordyn talks about in her post, the hypertext causes us to have a nonlinear reading experience with the use of features such as hyperlinks that bring the reader to a different site. However,…
Essays: Circulation and Spreadability
As I write essays, not the five by five nonfiction essays we are given in grade school, but the creative nonfiction essays I have been taught to write through practice and reading, I frequently find myself falling onto the question of audience. “Even if this gets published,” I think, “does anyone really read essays?” It’s…
5) Mixing Or Plagiarism? Helene Hegemann’s Axolotl Roadkill

Helene Hegemann’s 2010 debut novel, Axolotl Roadkill, is about a troubled 16-year-old girl, Mifti, who has been living by herself in the grime and creative confusion of Berlin since the death of her mother. “What sets Mifti apart is her hypersensitivity and her open, questioning curiosity about an older generation that doesn’t seem to be…
Know Thyself: Ugly Duckling Presse’s Simple Niche
I chose to write a post analyzing the landing page for Ugly Duckling Presse. Ugly Duckling Presse is a small press, a “nonprofit publisher for poetry, translation, experimental nonfiction, performance texts, and books by artists. “ I was not exactly sure what to make of the landing page when I first arrived. It is very…
1: Some Pros of Digital Publishing
Traditional print publishing revolves around strict gatekeeping mechanisms that choose texts to be published based on the market. Many digital texts go through the same process, and are purchased through various digital devices. But as taylorjp mentioned, Digital Publishing encompasses much more than the digital texts, most often e-books, publishing houses supply for large brand…
Welcome to Digital Publishing & Blog Prompt 1

Welcome to Digital Publishing! This WordPress blog will serve as a hub for our reading and discussion this semester. I’ve added a page that outlines the posting requirements (this is also available to you in Blackboard). As the semester progresses, I’ll add more information here that will guide you in completing the course objectives. Here’s…