I chose Landscape as my keyword to search in the Creative Commons. I was expecting to see panoramic vistas of landscapes from places I hadn’t been. To my surprise, a large number of the photos I found seemed to be landscapes that other people had drawn. They were artistic drawings and other wallpaper-esque images. However,…
Creative Commons: A Sad Sampling of Society’s Art

I was already familiar with Creative Commons through some other projects I’ve done in high school and college, so I was excited to see this as the topic of today’s blog post. However, I discovered quickly that I am now less impressed with it than I used to be, though I’m not thoroughly sure why…
6: Creative Commons
I’ve had people recommend using Creative Commons to get pictures for different assignments before, but I’ve never actually used it until now. In the past I’ve just specified “creative commons” in with whatever I was searching on Google to avoid any copyright issues. Looking at the actual website for Creative Commons, I have to say…
Creative Commons Search for term “Video Games”
As part of my Creative Commons website search, I began with a search for David Bowie to see what kind of pictures would come up, but was not heavily interested with the results. So I searched “horror”, “penny dreadfuls”, and finally “video games” which gave me a set of results I couldn’t turn away. That…
6. Creative Commons
I went into Creative Commons not knowing what was going on, I then saw the search bar and just assume it was another search engine like google. Just like my fellow classmates I searched up a couple of words on Creative Commons more specifically Nicki Minaj and Overwatch. When I search Nicki Minaj I got…
6: Dolphins, CreativeCommons, and More

As Jordyn said, I found that I had different experiences with the search features on the site. I tried the word dolphin both in the search feature on the syllabus and in the search feature under Use and Remix. In the first, the first few pages were color photographs. In the second, I got similar results…
6: Old Art

I tried a number of search terms before finally settling on “impressionism” for today’s blog post. Since things that have an expired copyright are easy to find in the public domain, I figured that 19th century art was my best bet. And indeed, I did find some beautiful examples of art. Take, for instance, this:…
6: Netflix and CreativeCommons

I’ve never heard of CreativeCommons prior to this assignment, so I felt like I was at a disadvantage. The “About” page wasn’t extremely helpful, noting that “there is no front door—no tool designed for the general public to facilitate discovery for the purpose of reuse and remix” (CreativeCommons). I noticed this when I went back…
6: Creative Commons

In browsing the Creative Commons, I started by looking through the website. I checked the about page and the search options to get an idea of the kinds of things that were available in the database. As far as I could tell, Creative Commons search offers mostly images. I never got a result that was…
6: Wyoming in the Public Domain
The search bar of CC Search on my computer screen sat below a map of Wyoming that I have hanging up on my wall. So, I searched “Wyoming.” There were over 1,300 results, so I narrowed my search with the Advanced Search tool to only show images I can both “use for commercial purposes” and…