I want to first start by saying that I was very excited to take the digital publishing course. When I came to Susquehanna, I didn’t really intend on writing an entire novel like some people in my major. I wanted to write screenplays, but along this journey, I’ve discovered a new love for poetry and…
Creative Commons: A Sad Sampling of Society’s Art
I was already familiar with Creative Commons through some other projects I’ve done in high school and college, so I was excited to see this as the topic of today’s blog post. However, I discovered quickly that I am now less impressed with it than I used to be, though I’m not thoroughly sure why…
6: Creative Commons
I’ve had people recommend using Creative Commons to get pictures for different assignments before, but I’ve never actually used it until now. In the past I’ve just specified “creative commons” in with whatever I was searching on Google to avoid any copyright issues. Looking at the actual website for Creative Commons, I have to say…
Creative Commons Search for term “Video Games”
As part of my Creative Commons website search, I began with a search for David Bowie to see what kind of pictures would come up, but was not heavily interested with the results. So I searched “horror”, “penny dreadfuls”, and finally “video games” which gave me a set of results I couldn’t turn away. That…
6: Old Art
I tried a number of search terms before finally settling on “impressionism” for today’s blog post. Since things that have an expired copyright are easy to find in the public domain, I figured that 19th century art was my best bet. And indeed, I did find some beautiful examples of art. Take, for instance, this:…
6: Creative Commons
In browsing the Creative Commons, I started by looking through the website. I checked the about page and the search options to get an idea of the kinds of things that were available in the database. As far as I could tell, Creative Commons search offers mostly images. I never got a result that was…
6: Wyoming in the Public Domain
The search bar of CC Search on my computer screen sat below a map of Wyoming that I have hanging up on my wall. So, I searched “Wyoming.” There were over 1,300 results, so I narrowed my search with the Advanced Search tool to only show images I can both “use for commercial purposes” and…
6: Creative Commons: How useful is it?
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that, “helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world” (Creative Commons). My first impression of the website was that it was very colorful and vibrant. Definitely warm and inviting to people looking to share their work and those looking to…
6: Creative Commons Pros and Cons
Creative Commons is an organization dedicated to allowing people to freely share their creative works with the public in order to be shared and built upon. In response to copyright, which says that “all rights [are] reserved” in a creative work, Creative Commons’ goal is to allow increased sharing through having only “some rights reserved”…
5: Copyright laws? Don’t Want None.
For todays blog post I will be discussing remix in the style of modern hip hop music more specifically Nicki Minaj’s song Anaconda. Anaconda was released back in 2014 and remixes components from the infamous song by Sir Mix-A-lot Baby got back while still adding her own remix to it. As soon as the soon begins…