Poets & Writers is “the nation’s largest nonprofit organization serving creative writers” (Poets & Writers). I chose to look at their website because I have subscribed to their bimonthly magazine for the past two years. The magazine offers a wide variety of content such as articles on current literary trends, debut authors, and writing advice,…
2: The Designs Behind ITX
The first thing a visitor sees when they navigate to ITX’s website is “you”. This is a popular marketing ploy, because, of course, addressing the target audience directly by pasting a giant YOU to a homepage is sure to get their attention. ITX is an Information Technology company, so their marketing goal is to be…
2: Her Campus Website Design Analysis

As current president of Susquehanna University’s Her Campus chapter and previous senior editor, I’ve logged many hours creating and exploring content on hercampus.com. This online website is similar to Buzzfeed in both design and text content, however, Her Campus specifically targets incoming, current, and recently graduated college women with their content tailored to this audience….
2: The Design Choices of Spotify
One of my most-used apps is Spotify, a major music streaming service. I mostly use Spotify to listen to music on my way to work, so I’m most active on the app version of Spotify. The Spotify app is pretty simplistic. Different music categories such…
2: YouTube’s Homepage
YouTube is the main way most people view online video. Given that, the design of the homepage does not do a good job of reflecting that. The biggest thing on the page is an advertisement for a channel on the site. It is centered at the top so it is the first thing a viewer…
1: Digital Media for Comprehensive Learning
When I was in 8th grade, my middle school’s guidance counselors visited every social studies class with learning style self-assessments. My results did not necessarily change the way I approached learning, because I had been previously taught to seek out diverse tools for retaining information. This assessment did, however, introduce me to the theory behind…