My original perception of e-portfolios most aligned with Steve Watkins’s: “‘an intricately related set of documents, with multilayered, multiaudienced ‘reflective introductions” targeted to different audiences” (Yancey 131). The purpose of a portfolio is to present a selection of work that exemplifies breadth of skill and experience. Producing an e-portfolio is a skill in itself that…
13. e-Portfolio
Pulling right up from last week’s posts on hypertext, we can easily transition into discussing our e-portfolios, because, as Kathleen Yancey says in her essay “Portfolio, Electronic, and the Link Between”, ““the portfolio is itself a hypertext: a collection open to multiple, cross-generic exhibits, a collection that can be read/written according to the reader’s intent”…
Pitch: Transmedia Travel Writing
For the transmedia package project, I hope to curate and develop my social media presence and personal brand surrounding my travel writing. I plan to take existing travel writing I have done (essays, poems, journal entries, etc) and revise and reformat them into blog posts that I’ll post on a blog I plan to create…
10: Avatar: The Last Airbender and Transmedia Storytelling
While I was reading Jenkins’s essay “Searching for the Origami Unicorn”, one of my favorite franchises came to mind: the Avatar: The Last Airbender series, also known (to me) as The Only Thing That Looks Good in Papyrus. It was originally a television series, aired on Nickelodeon in 2005, running for three seasons to end in 2008. The…
7: Ruining Music for the Masses
The original texts for our remix are lyrics and music for popular songs, put into the same or similar chord progressions, then made into a music video of some sort. This was our first and only idea (which Alex proposed to me before I even started thinking about what to do for this project), but…
7: Ok-est 3 Ideas
My first idea, and probably the most doable, involves mixing audio and visual content. The recent winter Olympic games reminded me of just how funny sports narration can be when taken out of context, and I think it could be even more well employed when layered over videos that do not match, at least not…
5: The Fails and Wins of Copyright via “Mr. West”
I love the range of examples given in the readings for what remix has come tomean and could come to mean in the future. Certainly, before this reading, I had only really thought of it in the context of music, though I had definitely associated it with copyright issues, which still seem to be a…
4) Combatting Skimming Tendencies
My genre is user-generated teen fiction. User-generated teen fiction refers to serialized stories published online for and by young adults and teens. Authors (used here to refer to any individual who posts his or her work online for other individuals to read) post single chapters at a time, creating a following readership that waits for…
4. Comedic Podcasts
I started listening to podcasts during my first internship, which was a full-time desk job in editing for marketing. Sitting at a desk from 9-5 every day for three months was something I hadn’t been prepared for, and I had never even had a part-time job before then. It was too quiet, and I would…
4) Beauty YouTube Videos – A Subgenere of YouTube Videos
As Vivian and Jordan talked about in their blog posts, I am writing my Digital Genre Wiki Entry on something that interests me – Beauty YouTube videos. When I started watching videos by the likes of Jaclyn Hill, emilynoel83, and Jessica Braun, I was in high school and just learning about beauty and makeup….