The purpose of this project is to show how easy it is to create a brand without having any real product. Some of you may remember when H&M made up a fake band just to sell merch for it. ( I shall be endeavoring to do the same thing, though I will be selling no…
My Transmedia Storytelling Pitch

A couple years ago, I made an Instagram for my dog, Pebbles: @pebbstagram. It has since carried on, now focusing on my new puppies, Pepper and Zuko. My mother and I run it together, posting pictures with captions and hashtags such as “#dachshundsofinstagram”. For this project, I plan to create the following media: Instagram (pre-existing)…
Branding My Hamster (Not Literally)
I have a dwarf hamster (keep this low-low, my RA doesn’t know) named Wilbur. He is a cute small fur ball. His life is 90% sleep, 80% RUN. For my Transmedia Package, I am going to create a media empire for Wilbur. Wilbur’s audience is anyone who likes pure wholesome internet content and/or hamsters. To…
Pitch Perfect
For this project I’m basically making myself a meme. I going to recreate my “greatest hits” via video form however the video will stop and provide options when a decision is going to be made on what to say or do to give the audience a chance to guess what happens next. kind of like…
10.5: My Transmedia Pitch

My project will be looking at songs that are considered LGBTQ “anthems,” either unofficially because they resonate among LGBTQ listeners, or officially because they directly speak to LGBTQ issues. While the project won’t be just an anthology of songs, it will probably (more or less) take on this format. The first “piece” of the project…
“RePOEposing Annabel Lee” – Transmedia Packaging Pitch
For this project, I plan to continue what I started in the Remix project by creating three new media projects based on “Annabel Lee”. I want to create an image, either a drawing or using Photoshop/Illustrator, of the landscape/setting of the poem (The Kingdom by the Sea). I will also create an animation of part…
My Pitch!
The idea for my project is to tell a story through a few forms of media. The basic synopsis would be (this is highly specific) that there’s a discovery of an 11th century castle and research done on the stuff found there. You would find this story through (fictional) Wikipedia pages, interviews, reviews of the…
My Transmedia Project Proposal

The base text will be a short story of mine that uses the frame of a present scene and, in between, explores the character’s backstory to inform the present moment. However, as a form, the short story limits me in how far I can go into the character’s backstory before readers get bored or give…
Transmedia Pitch
Yellowjacket is a superhero story that examines superhero tropes and how they would affect heroes in a rural area. It is also a story about friendship, conflict between social class, and other things. The audience will be teenagers and/or preteens who are interested in superheroes. It also might include anyone who lives in a rural…
There’s More, Pitches
I am going to make basically a conspiracy theory. For a while now I have been looking to make a science fiction piece about the first robotic president that references heavily the important changes that have happened in the world. I then want to make a series of posts around the internet that lead a…