When I decided to take this class, I expected to learn more about the publishing industry and the ways that digital publishing affect it. I expected to learn about the different platforms and media that are commonly used in digital publishing, and how to create things with those platforms and media. I thought the traditional…
15) Reflections

When I originally thought of a digital publishing course, I expected it would be like a small press publishing course, except we would collaboratively create a digital magazine instead of a chapbook (or some similar large project). However, I have to say that this course actually exceeded my expectations. I came in with a limited…
13. E-Portfolio
For my portfolio, like a few others have mentioned, I wasn’t really sure how related any of my projects were to be able to tie them together into a portfolio. After giving it a little thought, I think two thing that would definitely be able to work well together are my digital remix and the…
Portfolios, the Final Frontier
It’s the final frontier in that this is the last big project, then we are free from this horrifying digital publishing nightmare, and I can spend a summer curling up in my safe little world of print. No more hypertext for me! For the upcoming portfolios, I have to give some credit to Tomcics. I…
13: Portfolios

I have never created an e-portfolio before and I think Kathleen Blake Yancey’s article helped me start considering what one would look like and how I could go about creating one. I will include all three of my major projects in the portfolio (the digital genre profile, the remix project, and the transmedia project). I…
13: e-Portfolio

Like Taj, I find myself a little concerned about my e-portfolio because I didn’t think much about how my projects in class complimented each other and I think I may find it hard to link them together. Those are the two pieces I am most proud of from this class, and the two I’m sure…
13: e- Portfolios

I’m actually a little excited about immersing myself in the world of e-portfolios. I know some of my peers, like Emily are a bit standoffish when it comes to uploading their work online. I’m in the same boat, but I think that I am ready to come out of my shell a little more and…
13) A Refined Collection

To begin compiling my e-portfolio, I will combine all of my texts onto one website to create a single hub it can be accessed from. This will allow for consistency of style, theme, and color, giving these diverse texts the feel of a collection. Specifically, I plan to include my three projects from this class…
13: My Portfolio

As part of Kathleen Blake Yancey’s definition of a portfolio in “Portfolio, Electronic, and the Links Between,” she states that a portfolio should showcase a “collection of work” (130). My portfolio would collect the three major projects that I have completed for this class, the reflections for each, and some of the blog posts that…
12: Hypertext

Though I have briefly studied hypertext in other classes, I still mostly experience it in the context of things like Wikipedia or wikis for TV shows or movies that I want to learn more about. From my experience, I think hypertext is most useful when you are doing the kind of reading that Christian Vandendorpe…