Is it more important to consider the personal audience (those who consume), or the algorithmic audience when publishing digitally? How is each audience important in dictating the final product? If the algorithmic audience becomes the more dominant and deciding audience in terms of digital publishing, will the need for writers fall as computers learn/are programed…
10: Transmedia: Hasbro’s Success and Failure
The My Little Pony franchise is one of Hasbro’s biggest moneymakers next to Transformers. Primarily a toy company, Hasbro started using TV shows to market its toys in the 80’s, with great results. The shows brought the toys to the attention of the children, who wanted to continue the adventures after the show ended. The…
8: Spreadability in the Publishing Industry
I was interested in the idea that Kes and several others have mentioned in their blog posts of “top-down” and “bottom-up” forces that impact the spreadability of a text, or its ability to be circulated (Jenkins et al 4). As a publishing and editing major, I was particularly interested in thinking about how these concepts of top-down and bottom-up forces…
Essays: Circulation and Spreadability
As I write essays, not the five by five nonfiction essays we are given in grade school, but the creative nonfiction essays I have been taught to write through practice and reading, I frequently find myself falling onto the question of audience. “Even if this gets published,” I think, “does anyone really read essays?” It’s…
8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Journalism
Circulation, according to Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, and Sam Ford in “Why Media Spreads,” refers to the idea that “top-down and bottom-up forces determine how material is shared across and among cultures in far more participatory (and messier) ways” (1). This concept is particularly important within the industry I want to work in someday—the newspaper…
7) Remix Ideas
1st idea: I will create an interactive, hyper-text version of Molly McCully Brown’s collection of poems, choosing bits of writing from the entire collection and mapping them in interesting new ways. If the technology allows, I will create this on a background of a rough-drawn map of the Virginia State Colony, having sections of…
7: Ok-est 3 Ideas
My first idea, and probably the most doable, involves mixing audio and visual content. The recent winter Olympic games reminded me of just how funny sports narration can be when taken out of context, and I think it could be even more well employed when layered over videos that do not match, at least not…
5. Epic Fail
There have been many remixes of Pride and Prejudice, in movies and books. Kiera gives an example in her post of the popular novel Pride and Prejudice Zombies. Another remix is a contemporary young adult romance novel called Epic Fail, by Claire LaZebnik. It was published by Harper Collins in August of 2011. I was obsessed with Pride…
4: Serialized Webcomics
For my genre project I am looking at serialized webcomics, a genre that includes webcomics that tell a story through several installments of comic pages. Serialized webcomics are an interesting genre because they take aspects of the comic and adapt them for digital spaces. I decided to research this genre for my topic because I…
Genre’s Purpose
In the past, genre was simple and easy for me to define. It was nothing more than a word to represent categories for books: fiction, poetry, non-fiction, genre fiction, etc., and music: rock, pop, metal, country, etc. However true that definition may be, it does not even begin to cover the entirety of the meaning…