For this course, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I had an idea of some of the elements that would be involved—for example, website building, hypertext, and minor HTML coding. Other than that, though, I didn’t know what the coursework would look like. As for my own personal goals, I guess that I wanted…
13: e-Portfolio
Like Taj, I find myself a little concerned about my e-portfolio because I didn’t think much about how my projects in class complimented each other and I think I may find it hard to link them together. Those are the two pieces I am most proud of from this class, and the two I’m sure…
Hello! I side with the belief that hypertext is an incredibly useful digital text-making tool. As Vandendorpe put it, because it can “link seamlessly billions of pages as if they were a single entity, a constantly evolving book“. This is the beauty of a digital text that does not transfer back to its ancestor, the…
Hypertext – Wikipedia and More
I first heard of hypertext in the context of Wikipedia as a hypertext—it took me a while to understand the web itself as hypertext, which is maybe where I remain most confused—not all pages are interconnected, but I suppose they don’t have to be). But it makes sense to me in the context of Wikipedia—I’ve…
SCP (Secure Contain Protect) Transmedia Storytelling
I think it’s safe to say that I have truly never thought about transmedia storytelling before in my life, and definitely have not looked at it as a technique that can be used as a form of marketing and tool for prolonged fandom. In the Origami Unicorn, Jenkins writes, “any given product is a point…
8: Spreadability of Museums and Archives?
Today’s reading focused on the term “spreadability”. According to the authors, “spreadability” refers to any set of “technological resources” that make it easier for us to circulate content (Jenkins et al 4). From my understanding, this means that content with high spreadability would have the potential to reach more people, more easily. Another term that…
8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Journalism
Circulation, according to Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, and Sam Ford in “Why Media Spreads,” refers to the idea that “top-down and bottom-up forces determine how material is shared across and among cultures in far more participatory (and messier) ways” (1). This concept is particularly important within the industry I want to work in someday—the newspaper…
Two Pitches, One Project
My number one most okayest idea is to create a website or digital text of some sort that looks at different interpretations around the world of the Trump campaign and inauguration. Throughout the world, responses were varied and it is this varying of thought about the event that my project seeks to analyze and make…
6: Creative Commons
I’ve had people recommend using Creative Commons to get pictures for different assignments before, but I’ve never actually used it until now. In the past I’ve just specified “creative commons” in with whatever I was searching on Google to avoid any copyright issues. Looking at the actual website for Creative Commons, I have to say…
6: Old Art
I tried a number of search terms before finally settling on “impressionism” for today’s blog post. Since things that have an expired copyright are easy to find in the public domain, I figured that 19th century art was my best bet. And indeed, I did find some beautiful examples of art. Take, for instance, this:…