Tag: remix

7) Pitch: Interactive Imagery

To be honest, I did not have many ideas when we first started discussing this project. I originally wanted to turn one of my short shorts into an interactive create-your-own mystery game. However, after trying to find a somewhat usable website to create the game, I could not find any site that would do exactly…

7: Remix Brainstorm

I am working with Kay and Mitch to create a website that features our individual remixes of newspaper headlines on Trump’s presidential campaign. Idea 1: Interactive Map of the United States Purpose: This map will visually demonstrate the varying regional sentiments towards Trump’s campaign with hyperlinked images of newspaper headlines from major newspapers around the…

7: Remix Project Ideas

Here are the three ideas I came up with for my remix project–the first one is my favorite, but I guess that the other two are slightly workable. I’m really not very good at brainstorming. A video about snowflakes Choose Your Own Adventure Shakespeare Web-text of love poetry/toasts to women 1: A video about snowflakes…

Tattoos, Sheep, and Bicycle Safety: My 3 Ok-est Ideas

My three potential ideas for the remix project are as follows: -I can create an erasure poem of “The Life and Adventures of James F. O’Connell, the Tattooed Man”, found on The Public Domain Review, and then write the erasure poem out with actual tattoos that people have received. This could either be using tattoos…

7: Remix Ideas

So far, all of my ideas are pretty nebulous at the moment. My clearest and most cohesive idea is to take Anne Carson’s essay “Kinds of Water,” which describes her journey along El Camino de Santiago in Spain, and remix excerpts from the essay (either recordings of someone reading the essay or just text from the essay) to…

7: Geographical Poetry Turned to Song

Back when I wrote poetry and took an Advanced Poetry class, I wrote a collection of fifty poems, each based in a state in the US. My number one idea for the project is to select multiple poems from this and turn them into songs. Play guitar, give the words melody, and record and mix…

Two Pitches, One Project

My number one most okayest idea is to create a website or digital text of some sort that looks at different interpretations around the world of the Trump campaign and inauguration. Throughout the world, responses were varied and it is this varying of thought about the event that my project seeks to analyze and make…

7: Ok-est 3 Ideas

My first idea, and probably the most doable, involves mixing audio and visual content. The recent winter Olympic games reminded me of just how funny sports narration can be when taken out of context, and I think it could be even more well employed when layered over videos that do not match, at least not…

7: Remix/Recirculate Idea…

Hello!   My idea for this second project is to make a complicated video/gif project. I want to take a poem, make an erasure poem from that, make video representations of the original and the erasure poem, and take those videos and make gifs from them. The video representations will hopefully be different enough that…

6: Dolphins, CreativeCommons, and More

As Jordyn said, I found that I had different experiences with the search features on the site. I tried the word dolphin both in the search feature on the syllabus and in the search feature under Use and Remix. In the first, the first few pages were color photographs. In the second, I got similar results…