Our final project is an e-portfolio, and I have to say that I like this idea. To me, an e-portfolio sounds a lot easier than a strictly print portfolio because all my work will be in one place. Now I know that’s not all an e-portfolio is, especially after reading Portfolio, Electronic, and the Links…
13: Portfolios
For our final project, we will be creating an e-Portfolio of our work in this class. I am excited about putting this together and learning how to put all of my work in one place. However, this portfolio won’t just be a place to store work digitally. According to Kathleen Yancey, a portfolio has the…
Trump Headlines Remix Project (US)
For my remix project, I created an interactive map of the United States with headlines about Donald Trump during his 2016 Presidential Election campaign (specifically, from September 2016.) My goal was to show the polarized views of op eds published by newspapers across the country. The background image shows the political leanings of each state…
9: The Remix That Is Mine
For my remix, I decided to do a video–even though my video editing skills are horrible–using an 1863 book about snowflakes that I found on that public domain website. The authors featured in that text attributed all sorts of heavy symbolic meanings to snowflakes, so I figured it would be fun to compare that to…
7: One smallhttp://wordpress.susqu.edu/engl390/2018/03/06/7-one-small-pitch-for-men-one-giant-pitch-for-mankind/ Pitch for men, One giant Pitch for Mankind
For this project my partner in crime is Ashleigh Tomcics. Idea number one, the best on in my opinion, is a musical medley which is when you use the same chord progression to perform the different songs. As of right now songs that would be used are: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz, Hey Soul Sister…
7: My Remix Idea
The idea that I’m most interested in pursuing is creating a video where I combine clips from the movie trailers from the 50 Shades of Grey series and break up the clips with text that gives statistics, quotes, and, possibly, personal journal entries on domestic abuse. At the end of the video, I was thinking…
7: Remix Brainstorm
I am working with Kay and Mitch to create a website that features our individual remixes of newspaper headlines on Trump’s presidential campaign. Idea 1: Interactive Map of the United States Purpose: This map will visually demonstrate the varying regional sentiments towards Trump’s campaign with hyperlinked images of newspaper headlines from major newspapers around the…
Two Pitches, One Project
My number one most okayest idea is to create a website or digital text of some sort that looks at different interpretations around the world of the Trump campaign and inauguration. Throughout the world, responses were varied and it is this varying of thought about the event that my project seeks to analyze and make…
4: Music Sharing Websites
Being someone who is interested in music and the world of music sharing, I took interest in the genre itself, thus leading to this project. I have found out quite a bit about a few websites that I’m sure most, if not all, of us know and love. It has also helped me to realize…
3) The Mystery of Genres
When asked what genre is, many people would give similar answers. However, it may not exactly be what you are looking for. According to google, genre is “a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.” However, According to Genre: What is a blog? What…