To begin compiling my e-portfolio, I will combine all of my texts onto one website to create a single hub it can be accessed from. This will allow for consistency of style, theme, and color, giving these diverse texts the feel of a collection. Specifically, I plan to include my three projects from this class…
9: My Remix My remix is a video that includes several clips from BBC’s programs, layered under clipped and rearranged commentary and sound effects from the Rio summer games of 2016, among other sports competitions. The humor is created by the way in which I combined the seriousness of the tone of sports casting together with cute…
10: Transmedia: Hasbro’s Success and Failure
The My Little Pony franchise is one of Hasbro’s biggest moneymakers next to Transformers. Primarily a toy company, Hasbro started using TV shows to market its toys in the 80’s, with great results. The shows brought the toys to the attention of the children, who wanted to continue the adventures after the show ended. The…
8: Circulation of Slam Poetry and The Language Barrier
I’ve always thought that hearing an author read their writing out loud is the best way to understand the work. That’s why slam poetry has always had a tight hold on me, and how it has earned a prioritized place in my heart. Authors can combine the beauty and technique behind language with live performances…
7: My Top 3 Remix Ideas
For my next multimodal project, I have recently brainstorm three ideas that I believe have the potential to turn into something great. I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to create something for educational purposes. More specifically, I wanted to educate people on African American hair. Even though society is progressing, there are…
7: Ruining Music for the Masses
The original texts for our remix are lyrics and music for popular songs, put into the same or similar chord progressions, then made into a music video of some sort. This was our first and only idea (which Alex proposed to me before I even started thinking about what to do for this project), but…
7: Project 2 Pitch
My first idea was to create a video trailer for a collection of poems that I’ve written. The purpose of the trailer would be to promote the collection of poems. The audience would be people who enjoy reading poetry. I would use visual, aural, linguistic, and spatial modes in the video through the poem’s physical…
7) Remix Ideas
1st idea: I will create an interactive, hyper-text version of Molly McCully Brown’s collection of poems, choosing bits of writing from the entire collection and mapping them in interesting new ways. If the technology allows, I will create this on a background of a rough-drawn map of the Virginia State Colony, having sections of…
7: Ok-est 3 Ideas
My first idea, and probably the most doable, involves mixing audio and visual content. The recent winter Olympic games reminded me of just how funny sports narration can be when taken out of context, and I think it could be even more well employed when layered over videos that do not match, at least not…
2: The Designs Behind ITX
The first thing a visitor sees when they navigate to ITX’s website is “you”. This is a popular marketing ploy, because, of course, addressing the target audience directly by pasting a giant YOU to a homepage is sure to get their attention. ITX is an Information Technology company, so their marketing goal is to be…